پیش نوشت1: مدت زیادی بود که چندتا ویدیوی TED توی قسمت saved message ِ تلگرامم داشتن خاک میخوردن! بالاخره زمانی از این قرنطینه رو برای دیدن اونا استفاده کردم و شد آنچه شد...
سهتای دیگه رو اینجا میخوام خلاصهای ازشون بذارم تا بماند برای آیندگان :))
پیش نوشت 2: اگه غلط تایپی یا املایی دیدین لطفا بهم خبر بدین :)))
for Deep Working
- Focus on the Wildly important
- Use metrics to monitor your process
- Keep a score card to make a competition with yourself
- Make yourself Accountabe some how...
- Try 90min of Deep Work for 3 days at the same time in each day.
Know 5 things:
- Who you are?
- What you do?
- Who you do that for?
- What those people want or need?
- What they get out of it (How they change as a result)?
and the todays last but not the least:
principles of a philosophy for a happy life:
- Be OK with what you ultimately can't do, because there is still so much you CAN do.
- Surround yourself with people you want to be around
- Keep moving forward
- Never miss a party if you can help it :)
and know that being brave, isn't suppose to be easy!